Tuesday, April 24, 2007

dude its real!!!!! supermans weakness is reall. its actually called

jadarite. there gonna start calling it kryptonite. it was found in serbia. its not green im not joking this is the real thing. kryptonite is real. i dont think some alien stuck his own son in a ship and sent him to earth to save the orld but the rock is reall. oh yeah and the president of russia died. who ever that is. but thats beside the point. oh yeah and i am oficially done with geometry class. i got an 89 so im happy with that. oh yeah and um its really late. oh yeah. and the greatest news of all is that i am happyer than a clown in a circus. i cant tell you why im gonna leave yall hanging on that one but i am really happy and i am really glad i am at this church. ive been really happy alot lately. you can guess all you want i wont say a word. so im sorry if it drives you crazy cathy. but thats just how i roll. you will never figure it out so dont try cathy your just gonna give yourself a head ache and you will lose sleep over it. but thats what i live for. hahahahahaha. i know someething you dont know haha. im a lucky feller, yes im a lucky boy, i got me nice umbreller and its me pride and joy!! you can think kory prince for singing that to my sister and she sang it to me and i just wrote it down because im soooooooooooooooo happy. im sooo happy its like, beond my own comprehension. wow i used a big word. thts a first. i got sunshine on a cloudyday. when its cold outside, i got the month of may. i guess you would say. what can make me feel this way. well im not gonna tell you. haha. im gonna leve yall people hanging on that for a while. but write now im gonna get off here. stop routing my brain for the night and dream about the reason im so happy. HA!! you thought i was gonna tell you what it was didnt you. well you were wrong!!!!!!!!!!!! ohhhhhh spleen. haha. i feel like im on a sugar rush. but im not. im just really happy. i like being happy it makes me feel good. and plus. it makes all yall wonder what going on with me. and i like to leave people in suspence. hey i used another big word. i must be getting really tired if im using big words that i dont even know how to spell. oh well. i fell ggggrrrrreeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well untill next time my wondering friends. ill see yall on the flip side. good night cruel world. good night you stupid computer. later


Heather Feather said...

whoa amazing I love it! But spidermans still the best superhero of all time...:D

Anonymous said...

NO!!!!!!! BATMAN IS!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! lol thats rly kewl that they actually found kryptonite though!!! awwwwwwwwwwww man nw you got me to wondrin y ur feln so great! lol

Anonymous said...

I think i know, but that is so cruel to leave ME hanging like that, but as soon as you started singing i'm a lucky fellow, i knew immediately who it came from. This i know because actually Korbear was looking at me when he sang it if i'm thinking of the same scenario. When we were watching Lord of the Beans last year at the Rock-a-thon, it was in the movie and apparently Kory had already seen it and was singing that ridiculously funny song!!!