Wednesday, March 28, 2007

hola. i dont really no wat to rite im just stalling for homework. yeah its pretty boring stuff. and its bad for your health. and it makes my head hurt. its a really painfull process. i would rather be riding motorcycles or shoot ing guns or blowing something up. or fishing. me my pole on a boat out in the middle of nowhere on a lake or a pond. just sittin there fishing. see for me fishing is not all about catching fish. its about relaxing and being able to just leave all your problems on the shore and just sit there and enjoy gods great earth. the sound of the water hitting the boat and your line bobbing up and down, and rocking back and forth and back and forth and up and down and up and down. just getting in touch with your lazy side. its really a very fun thing to do.i could do that all day. just being on water by myself is very intersting. then theres ridingthe rapids. getting a big rush by going down the rapids and trying not to hit the rocks, just paddling with the water going really fast and then all of a suddan out of nowhere your paddling and then you go over this big waterfall. your boat goes in nose first and your with it. inside the boat locked in and just waiting to come back up and breathe. it sounds fun doesnt it? ive never done it yet. but ive seen video clips of guys doing and it looks really fun. then rock climbing. not ust any slanted rock. im talking about a straight up 90 degree cliff. going all the way up and then replling down the whole rock. now that sounds like fun. then theres skydiving. jumping out of airplanes at really high altatudes and free falling down and just waiting for the right time to open your shoot. i could go into all kinds of stuff but i i cant right now because i have to go do some really boring homework. so see yall lata


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hey andy man do you have an email? mine is

Leslie said...

hey that is so awsome im a adrenilne person to i love stuff like that oneof th things i would really like to do is jump out of an airplane skydivinwhatever its called i love to fish that is awsomeif you read my about me youll see all the stuff im intrested in and theres more ttyl8r se yah sunday