Friday, February 9, 2007

hello folks. i finally got a hiar cut. unfortunately. but its not to bad. its groing on me. my dad thinks i look like a marine. its kinda cool to because i dont have to anything to and it still looks good. i can wake up and my hair is still in the same spot that it was the night before. i thought about joining the marines. still thinking about it. i need a challenge in my life and that would absolutely be a challenge. yes it would. so my lifes jusst about the same as it was the other day. how bout yours? any thing new or different? hey does anybody no how to get a good nights sleep with out waking up every three hours? i think that why im allways tired and dont have enough energy to last allday. oh well. i hate winter. its so cold and boring. yyuo cant even walk around in a short sleeve shirt beccause somebody is allways affraid your gonna get sick. i still walk around in short sleeve shirts. i dont care wat any body says. i hardly ever wair a long sleeve shirt. the come up any ways. so wats the point. ok. i have an idea. ill go and try to think of a good idea. thats all folks. lata