Friday, May 23, 2008

its finally here. my senior year. i have waited for this day my entire life and its finally here. GOOD BYE!!!!!!! now the thing is. people are asking me if i have plans for my life and if i intend on going to college. well YES and NO!!!!!!! i do have plans for my life but college is not in those plans. and if i do ever go to college then im going to a mechanic school. and i dont care wat any body thinks or says. but as far as plans for life goes. the plan is to join the army and go amry rangers. i thought about the airforce and doging para rescue but i turned it down. i thought about the marines to. and honestly im still thinking about the marines. but im leaning more towards the army. they army rangers and green berets.

why the army you may ask. well let me put it this way. my great uncle was army and he did special forces and intellagence. my grandpa was national guard. a couple of his brothers were army. this all on my mothers side of the family. my dads dad was an airforce mechanic. sounds like an interesting job. but not really for me. not enough action in the maintanence field. well not enough for me anyways. thats why im looking towards the army rangers or green berets. NON STOP action. oh yeah baby. thats what im talking about. and it gets better. if you make past green beret training theres an even better force called delta force. yeah its real. those guys are so hard core its unthinkable. you could be standing right next to one of those guys and not even know it. they could have a beard and long hair and all kinds of stuff. but i just gonna do rangers or green berets. probably just rangers. i know the airforce pays more but i dont care. i dont have a girlfriend or a wife or any kids to take care of. so wat does it matter? now if your thinking im gonna do this for a carreer then. ill probably just do it for a few yeas and then come on home and get back to civilian life. thats probably when ill go to the mechanic school. let the army pay for that and not have to worry about any loans or any thing like that. well those are my plans. i guess that after i get out of the army and come home i guess i could get my self a girl and get married. maybe. unless i decide that i like being single and just not ever get married. who knows. well those are my infamous plans for my life. army first and then what ever else im gonna do with my life. good night yall.


Anonymous said...

cool cool, im being stalked by the militay lol, so far scince if turned 17 ive gotten a letter from the marines and the airforce called me. i feel violated lol

andrew said...

yeah they try to get everybody they can. you have to be as close to perfect as possible for the air force. and supposedly army ranger school is the most difficult. thats alot to learn in 60 days.

Patti said...

Both of you are wrong about the military being cool. We are in a WAR does that ring a bell to either one of you. You join the military, then you are shipped off to fight the enemy. It doesn't matter what field you go into,due to the fact that there is a shortage in infantry, whichever service you go into, you are still required to fight in the infantry. Now is not the time for Children of God to join the military. You need to make sure you are ready to meet God.

Friggy said...

In our terms: Nu-uh, y'all are crazy! The military is the suck!

Heather Feather said...

ok the military is honorable but to be realistic its a huge dangre but i mean boys have been running off to join the glorys of the battlefield since probably people started fighting like a billion years ago...while i know its scary somebodys has to do it...i'm not though lol i couldnt stand wearing the uniform and somebody yelling at me all the time and i know the violation feeling all to well kevin they keep calling me!!! GAH!!! 0.o