Sunday, November 25, 2007

WOW!!!! i dont know about the rest of you but what happened to me tonight was the most amazing thing that ever happened.i have never been called out like that before. i never knew that god would call me out and tell those things. everything that happened to me was just awsome. i got a confirmation on something that i have been praying about and god told me something i will never forget. i didnt know i had so much potental in me. this whole night has changed my life and now i know what i have to do. i havent felt this good since... i cant even remember. i havent heard myself pray like in for ever and it felt great. i know that the people in my youth group are going through things and i want to be there for them. i will. any one of them. sometimes i wish i could take the weight that they cary on there backs and put it on my own back and let them have a break for a while and rest. i dont why i feel that way i just do. cause i can see them struggleing and i want to help them or just take everything off there shoulders. maybey its just me... my life has flipped upside down.


Heather Feather said...

wow thats pretty awesome. I think everyone got like a HUGE touch last nite. Even keri was praying which was awesome to see. I wonder wats gona happen next...