Friday, April 18, 2008

well tomorrow is the big day for me. i finally get to to the fire department and do a ride out. wich means im gona hang out at the fire station from 12:00 to 4:00 and if they get called for a fire then were gonna go and i get to go with them. oh yeah. i cant wait. but the thing i dont get is this. i know that the military tries to recruit people when they turn 18 but i havent talked to recruiter in like 6 months. i havent even tried for the army or the air force.the only thing i ever tried for was the marines. why in the world is there numbers like fort bragg and pope air force base on my phone. i havent done anything illeagal. im not hiding any aliens from outer space or any other place. im just your normal every day crazy white boy. all i can say is that if the military wants then bring it on because im ready to go. oh hang on just a second. i just had a thought, umm. i might have gotten myself into this. a while back i met an army ranger in lawton a few months ago and i told him my name. he told me that he used to be a ranger and now he is an officer in the air force. i dont remeber his name. well if they want me. then they can have me because i think it would be a blast being an army ranger or green beret. but this aint the first time something weird has happened to me when i was like 13 we were some where and i went to the bath room and some guy knocked on the door and asked for andrew hallford. the only way i know that is when i got out of the bath room some kid was like hey dude are you andrew hallford. i told him i was and asked how he new my name. he said some guy wearing a black coat with a black suit white shirt black shoes black pants and a pair of shades was looking for me. you know the typical FBI agent you see in pictures. yeah thats what he looked like. thats what the kid said anyways. since that day its boggled my mind and ive wondered what in the world they want with me. im not gonna fight them though. if the military wants me then BRING ON THE PAIN!!!!!!!! LETS ROCK THIS JOINT.